
レポート "Global Biofuels Outlook to 2030" の発売について

Feb 17, 2022

SGSは、主に輸送用機器を対象とした燃料・エネルギーの将来動向をまとめたレポート "Global Biofuels Outlook to 2030" を発売しました。

SGSは、2030年までに予想される各国のバイオ燃料需要に関する、各種政策および市場の見通しをまとめたレポート "Global Biofuels Outlook to 2030" を発売しました。




レポート形態: PDF(紙媒体での納品はありません)

ページ数: 304ページ

言語: 英語

価格: 668,000円(消費税別) ※SGS INSPIRE購読中の会社様は 398,000円


Figure 4: Global ethanol mandate as of April 2021
Figure 6: Bioethanol feedstocks in 2020 and 2030
Figure 15: Projected supply and demand for bio-based diesel in China to 2030
Figure 27: Indonesia's biodiesel production capacity as of December 2020
Figure 41: Malaysia's biodiesel exports, 2008-2020
Figure 68: Projected diesel and biodiesel demand in South Korea to 2030
Figure 75: EU 27 MS progress towards RED I target of 10% Renewable Energy Share in Transport
Figure 77: HVO grades' availability in Europe
Figure 80: Proposed CO2 emission reduction targets for cars and vans compared to 2021
Figure 83: EU Road and rail fuel consumption from 2009-2021
Figure 88: Chart demonstrating Europe 2030 road and rail transport energy demand
Figure 93: 2030 Projection of Alternative fuels
Figure 106: Feedstocks to produce biofuels in Latin America
Figure 114: Otto Cycle fuel (except CNG) demand projections up to 2030 (in Brazil)
Figure 118: Biofuels production in Uruguay, 2017 to 2020 and projection to 2030
Figure 123: Ethanol projected production and consumption up to 2030 (in Colombia)
Figure 134: Potential for biofuel production in Central America
Figure 141: Canada ethanol capacity v. utilization
Figure 148: Biomass-based diesel feedstock breakdown: Canada (top) v. BC (bottom)
Figure 165: U.S. ethanol capacity v. utilization
Figure 167: Number of stations offering E15 and E85 in the U.S.
Figure 174: Biomass-based diesel feedstock breakdown: total U.S. (top) v. California (bottom)
Figure 177: Gasoline and ethanol consumption, blend rate

Table 1: Current biofuels mandate in Asia and Oceania
Table 3: China's renewable diesel producers as of September 2021
Table 13: Malaysia's biodiesel producers as of June 2021
Table 19: List of feedstocks from RED I and II, Annex IX, part A and B
Table 21: Renewable energy share targets and the requirements for biofuels feedstocks in the EU 27 MS
Table 26: HVO production capacity through hydrotreatment of oils in 2021 and 2030
Table 32: Advanced ethanol production in 2021
Table 43: Energy taxes in Germany
Table 52: Required carbon intensity reductions under federal CFS (in Canada)
Table 56: U.S. refined product and biofuel demand forecast: key volumes and growth rates
