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Textile Exchange Certification

Verify the sustainability of input materials and ensure their traceability along the supply chain to the final product.

Consumers are increasingly demanding evidence of sustainability when buying textiles, garments and footwear. Textile Exchange product certification provides trusted confirmation that environmental, social and animal welfare practices in global supply chains conform to recognized standards.

Recycle Clothes Concept

One-stop certification

We are accredited by the International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS) as a Textile Exchange product certification body. Our experts help manufacturers, retailers and buyers manage and trace their use of preferred fibers and materials while also ensuring sustainability commitments lead to meaningful improvements.

Our one-stop certification solution includes:

  • Content claim standard (CCS)
    This verifies a specific input material in a final product and is the foundation for all Textile Exchange chain of custody standards. It ensures each organization in the supply chain is taking sufficient steps to preserve the integrity and identity of input materials.
  • Recycled claim standard (RCS)
    Chain of custody standard verifying and tracking recycled raw materials through the supply chain – for products containing at least 5% recycled materials.
  • Organic content standard (OCS)
    Voluntary global standard that sets the criteria for third party certification of organic materials and chain of custody for manufacturers, traders and brands using organic materials in their products.
  • Responsible down standard (RDS)
    For any stage of the supply chain after the slaughter site, including manufacturer.
  • Responsible animal fiber (RAF)
    Includes the responsible wool standard (RWS), responsible mohair standard (RMS) and responsible alpaca standard (RAS). It covers all supply chain stages after the farm.
  • Global recycled standard (GRS)
    Voluntary global standard that sets the criteria for third party certification of recycled material content verification at each stage of the supply chain, from the recycler to the final product.

Through our extensive network of IOAS accredited certification bodies (CB), we are ideally positioned to help businesses achieve their sustainable sourcing goals while allowing them to accurately demonstrate the recycled and organic content in their products.

Woman Wearing Knitted Sweater

Why choose Textile Exchange certification services from SGS?

We are recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity in the textile and footwear industry. Wherever you operate in the world, our experts are ready with solutions that support your sustainability goals, building trust and enabling competitive advantage in complex global markets.

SGS has been accredited by IOAS as an independent third-party CB to issue certificates to Textile Exchange standards at the following locations:

  • Shanghai – SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. registration number 141
  • Spain – SGS International Certification Services Ibérica, S.A.U. registration number 143
  • Turkey – SGS Supervise Gözetme Etüd Kontrol Servisleri A.Ş. registration number 145

Please refer to for current information.

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Republic of Moldova,

Chisinau, Moldova