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Microbiological Testing for Oil, Gas and Chemicals

Fuels under storage, particularly long term storage, can suffer significant damage and hence significant loss in value if bacterial and fungal infections are allowed to occur.

The increasing use of innovative storage vessels, such as large floating storage vessels and underground caverns, where the exclusion of water can be difficult, has increased the incidence of such problems. Another area where such infections have caused serious damage and even loss of life is where fuel for emergency motors (e.g. lifeboats, emergency generators) has become degraded and failed to function when needed.

SGS offers tiered solutions to the problems in this area, with SGS Bug Test® on-site monitoring and diagnosis kits and specialist laboratory services to identify specific:

  • Fuel degraders
  • Fungal infections and fungal mats
  • Sulphate reducing bacteria
  • Cladasporium Resinae infections

We also offer consultant support services to help identify sources of infection.

The third service tier is remediation work using bactericidal additives and cleaning to remove infected materials and eliminate the source of the problem. Our specialist staff can also advise and write protocols for clients to cover bacterial monitoring, infection prevention and infection remediation.

Our global network of laboratories exists to supply good quality risk management data to all interested stakeholders. Our labs analyze fuel samples on demand from refineries, ships, storage facilities, chemical plants, storage tanks, pipelines and airports. We can provide either standard tests, as defined in the standard methods published by ASTM or IP, or bespoke testing designed to address certain known risks, such as Search and Rescue Boat (SRB) testing on lifeboat fuel samples.

Why SGS?

SGS is your first port of call for testing and inspection services for the whole range of hydrocarbon and chemical gases.

Our highly trained analysts operate in modern labs equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Many of our lab facilities are ISO/IEC 17025-accredited, ensuring that we provide analytical testing to the highest laboratory standards. We maintain laboratory quality and monitor proficiency through participation in internal and third-party round robin testing programs, as well as internal and independent audits and rigorous training and competency compliance standards.

SGS is an active member of several key industry bodies, standards organizations and working groups, including those within ASTM, ISO, CEN, EI (The Energy Institute, formerly the Institute of Petroleum) and IFIA.

Any SGS trade inspection nomination on oil, gas and chemical cargoes is always based on accepted core petroleum and petrochemical standards, such as UOP, GOST, API MPMS, ASTM, EN or IP test methods and specifications as set out by ISO, CEN or the various national and regional standards organizations. Analytical methods which have been supplied by clients or custom-built are also used when these form part of the specifications. Where necessary, we can help stakeholders select the most appropriate standards to cite and use to support risk management within a particular transaction (or series of transactions). Our technical support team is available to offer assistance on all matters relating to standards, working practices and technologies.

Find out more about microbiological testing services from SGS.

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7, M. Eminescu Street,

Republic of Moldova,

Chisinau, Moldova