Product safety and quality are key priorities for consumers. Any product quality issue will result in complaints and potentially a damaging and expensive product recall. An effective QMS will enable buyers and manufacturers to identify issues during design and production helping you to ensure customer satisfaction.
Our QMS audit services verify that your system is working effectively and identify whether:
- The QMS is being applied consistently, and established with appropriate document control
- Policies and procedures are properly implemented
- The factory is experienced in relevant manufacturing
- Factory personnel understand the client’s requirements and that products are manufactured to client specifications
- Materials and products are correctly handled and protected
- Internal controls are in place, and adequate
- Monitoring and analysis systems are in place and effective to identify non-compliant products as well as negative feedback
To assist with both internal audits and audits of prospective suppliers, we have developed a factory specific audit tool for QMS evaluation. It systematically evaluates every process in a production plant and then analyzes the strengths and weaknesses in the manufacturing system.
Audit results are presented in a report allowing you, and your clients, to see how trustworthy the plant is. It also helps you to identify opportunities for improvement.
Conducted by experienced auditors our audit will evaluate the QMS according to criteria comparable to other management system standards, ISO 9001 for example. We will specify any non-conformance and issue corrective action plans along with a timetable for their completion.
To find out how QMS Audit services from SGS can support your organization please contact your local office.