Our crude oil assay evaluation helps you market your oil more effectively, as well as making it easier to identify potential value chain partners.
The Benefits of Crude Oil Assay Testing
As industry leaders in the field of oil testing, we understand that getting the right crude oil to the right refinery is essential to prevent problems of yield, quality and production. Crude oil analysis from SGS helps ensure that your crude oil is compatible with the target refinery process. Analysis will also confirm that the end product can be delivered on time, at the quality expected and without any interruption to supply.
Our flexible assay solutions allow you to demonstrate your commitment to supplying crude oil data that meets the exacting standards required for processing. Having a complete characterization of your crude oil not only facilitates the job of the refinery team, but also puts business planners in the best possible position to maximize profits.
Crude Oil Evaluation from SGS
Using a variety of both standard and innovative procedures, SGS’s crude oil assay testing laboratories provide the molecular and chemical characterizations of crude oil. Information is generated on the boiling-range and on each requested fraction within the range using a variety of physical testing procedures. We measure sulfur content, nitrogen content, viscosity, cold properties and metals content as part of the normal analysis of the general properties of the crude oil. We also analyze the crude oil off-gas and provide you with full hydrocarbon analysis including key health and safety data such as hydrogen sulfide content and any mercury species present.
Why SGS?
SGS is the established leading provider of sampling, measurement, analysis and certification services to the bulk liquids industry. Our unique mix of local knowledge and global intelligence is unmatched across the industry, helping to improve efficiency, reduce risk and deliver competitive advantage to you.
Find out more about crude oil assay services from SGS.
16th Floor, Block A, No.73 Fucheng Road, Century Yuhui Mansion, Haidian District, Beijing,
Beijing, Beijing Municipality,